Red Tent Circles

Welcome to the Red Tent

Come honor the innate power of our bodies, learn their wisdom, and step deeply into your sovereignty.

Meet me in ceremony and ally with herbal and ritual medicine and with fellow womb carriers.

What is a red tent circle?

A Red Tent Circle is an ancient practice where cyclical beings, womb-carriers, gather in a safe and peaceful haven to nourish ourselves and our bodies in community. In many cultures around the world, for thousands of years, women retreat to a literal or metaphorical red tent or moon lodge to honor their bleed. Some of these traditions are rooted in patriarchy, and some in divine feminine power. When this is done with compassion in community, womben gather, often on their periods, to take care of themselves and each other, from apartments in New York City to rural Jewish communities in Ethiopia. I’m inviting us to do the same, to claim this ritual as a radical act of self-love and community care, wherever we are in our cycles, whether we bleed at this time in our lives or not. Away from expectations and responsibilities. To tend to our relationships with our bodies and our cyclicality and to unabashedly and unapologetically do and be what’s right for us and our bodies.

This is an opportunity for all of us to share with each other our own wisdom about our cyclical health and divinity. Together we'll create a safe space where we can all feel fully empowered in connection with ourselves. A space where we can practice fully saying yes to what is right for us and no to what is not, for things big and small. Where we can show up as we are, share any stories, feelings, or experiences we care to with each other, and be held in community for exactly who we are.

There will be herbal teas and wine, light nourishing foods, herbal tincture making, opportunities to share in circle, gentle and juicy womb-space focused meditation, self-massage, and yoga, whatever else arises and feels in alignment (for example, we may want to channel our righteous rage by throwing eggs and ice at the wall!) and plenty of time to hang out and just be. Every single thing available at a red tent circle is a choice. Every activity, every drink, every opportunity to share, every single thing. You can always say no or change whatever you need to for yourself. Unabashedly and unapologetically do and be what’s right for you and your body.

What happens in a red tent circle?

I invite you to wear comfy clothes you don’t mind getting yummy oils on.  You can bring a yoga mat, but it’s not necessary. If you have one, please also bring a small clean jar with a secure lid so you can take home a herbal tincture or tea or other concoction you can make for yourself. (I’ll have some jars available, if needed.) You might want to have a journal and pen, too. Please feel free to bring pillows, blankets, candles, your favorite food, or anything else that brings you comfort.

What should I wear and bring?

The red tent welcomes female-bodied people and female-identifying people, whether or not they bleed and no matter what their experience of gender is. (If you are male-bodied and male-identifying and want to join in circle, please reach out and I will help you find the right one for you!)

Any age is also welcome, although if you are under 16, a menarche circle may be more aligned for you. Please reach out and we can discuss what the most supportive space would be.

Parents, please know your babies are also welcome!

While the red tent as a term and practice may have some religious history, people from all backgrounds and spiritual beliefs are welcome.

Who can attend?

When can I join?

We meet at the turning of each season. Enrollment is open at the links below! Each Red Tent is unique, so keep coming back to fill your cup.

How much does it cost?

Prices are on a sliding scale from $60 to $160 per circle, based on The Green Bottle Sliding Scale.

What if I want you to host one for me and my friends or a special group?

I would be delighted. We can co-create a circle for a dedicated group, whether for a group of friends, a class, a parents’ circle, as a session in a retreat, or anything of the like. Prices will vary by duration, number of attendees, and activities desired.

Please reach out below if you have any more questions. I can’t wait to celebrate our cyclicality and sovereignty together!

Contact us and let the Red Tent Ritual begin.

(720) 724-8070